What's new?
⚙️ Acceleration of the GUI of the admin panel. First stage.
⛏ lolMiner v1.28a (Significantly improved / speed up DAG repair function. The miner now should produce a valid DAG also at high overclock; Emergency temperature stop (--tmode, --tstart, --stop) now also working for Nvidia GPUs using CUDA; Fixes: Zombie mode GPUs no longer crash during DAG verify; When one Nvidia GPU stops because of a recoverable error (e.g. not enough memory for DAG or temperature limit reached), this will no longer crash all other Nvidia GPUs; The parameter --disbale-dag-verify was not working for OpenCL fired cards. Not it does; Fixed overzealous reconnection on Ethash connections when not receiving new work within 30 seconds (now limit is 150 seconds). This caused problems, especially on ETC+ZIL; Fixed 3G Nvidia card not starting on ETC mining; Fixed Ethash benchmark mode crashing on 1.28)
⛏ Phoenixminer v5.6d (Added native kernels for AMD RX6700 GPUs. These are faster than the generic kernels and produce a lot less stale shares; Increased the max supported DAG epoch to 550 (should be enough to about Jan 2023); Full support for setting clocks, fan speeds, voltages, and memory timings of AMD RX6900/6800/6700 cards; The specific hashrate is now shown in the form of kilo hashes per joule (kH/J). Example: if a GPU has hashrate of 30 MH/s with 100W power usage, the specific hashrate is 300 kH/J; Added new command-line parameters -ttj and -ttmem, allowing automatic fan speed control based on GPU hotspot (junction), and memory temperatures respectively. Example: -ttmem 83 will keep the GPU memory temperature at or bellow 83C by increasing the fan speed as necessary. These parameters can be combined with -tt, as well as with each other. These options are supported on both AMD and Nvidia GPUs that report junction and memory temperatures. For example the memory temperature is reported on Nvidia 3080, 3090, and 2080Ti; Added new command-line parameters -tmaxj and -tmaxmem, allowing to decrease the GPU usage when the GPU hotspot (junction), or GPU memory temperatures are above the specified thresholds. These options are supported both Nvidia and AMD GPUs that report junction and memory temperatures; Fixed problem with displaying GPU temperatures of some GPUs that was introduced in beta versions of PhoenixMiner 5.6; Added support for AMD Linux drivers 21.10-1244864-ubuntu-18.04, 21.10-1247438-ubuntu-20.04, and 20.50.x. Use this drivers only if you have Polaris or older GPUs, or the latest RX6x000 GPUs. WARNING: Vega, Radeon VII, and Navi GPUs won't work with these drivers; Turn off the zero fan feature on AMD cards whenever a fixed fan speed is used (e.g. -tt -40), or when an auto fan with min fan speed is used (e.g. -tt 63 -minfan 35). To disable this feature, add -fanstop 1 command-line parameter; When -mcdag 1 is specified under Linux, the miner will not wait for the daggen.sh script to finish before starting to generate the DAGs. Instead it will for a fixed 7 seconds. This allows you to do all the following in the daggen.sh: turn off the overclocking of Nvidia GPUs, sleep for 30-60 seconds to allow time for DAG generation, and then re-apply the overclocking of the Nvidia GPUs; Lower percent of rejected/stale shares when mining on Nicehash; Other small improvements and fixes)