What's new?

⚙️ Mining on hard drives has been tested in various configurations. You can use all slots on the motherboard (USB/SATA/PCI-e/SAS) and in any number for CHIA mining! At the same time, the rig additionally consumes almost nothing. Do not miss the opportunity and connect in a few clicks using a simple instruction - https://mineros.info/en/faq/35

T-Rex v0.21.0 (added autolykos2 algorithm for ERGO mining, dev fee 2%; fixed reporting of total power consumption when some GPUs not report it)
lolMiner v1.30 (added Autolykos V2 mining ERGO; improved performance and reduced power draw of RTX 3060 semi-unlocker; significantly reduced RAM usage for Nvidia cards on ethash; significantly improved DAG repair process on all Nvidia GPUs; fixed a bug with 3060 semi-unlocker not unlocking after DAG rebuild; fixed a bug in Ethash stratum when mining with Nicehash protocol on some pools not sticking 100% close to protocol; some minor fixes)
GMiner v2.59 (display pool hashrate for all supported algorithms; added CPU share check for all supported algorithms; removed algorithms: BitTube, Swap)
nanominer v3.3.6 (added option maxRejectedShares: set the maximum amount of rejected shares before restarting miner process/rebooting the rig)
XMRig v6.13.1 (added support for solo mining with miner signatures for the upcoming Wownero fork)
CPUminer-Opt-rplant v5.0.22 (added yespowerarwn algo)

Support channel https://t.me/minerossupporten

Что нового?

⚙️ Доработан маунт дисков для майнинга Chia. Теперь монтированием множества дисков на риг делается надежнее. Напомним что функция "майнинг Chia (XCH)" доступна для платных пользователей сервиса. Инструкция - https://mineros.info/ru/faq/34

Nbminer v38.1 (функционал: добавлена поддержка mining.extranonce.subscribe; исправлено: --enable-dag-cache иногда приводил к сбою)
Gminer v2.58 (добавлено отображение хэшрейта пула, оцененного по принятым шарам; исправлено зависание при генерации DAG на графических процессорах AMD на некоторых драйверах; поддержка последних версий драйверов AMD)
SRBMiner-MULTI v0.7.7 (добавлен алгоритм 'lyra2v2_webchain' (MINTME - монета MintMe.com) для майнинга CPU/GPU, комиссия 2%; добавлен алгоритм 'ghostrider' (RTM - Raptoreum) для майнинга CPU, комиссия 0,85%; добавлен алгоритм cryptonight_turtle для майнинга CPU/GPU, комиссия 0,85%; добавлен алгоритм randomyada (YDA - монета Yada) для майнинга CPU, комиссия 0,85%; добавлен алгоритм yespowerarwn (ARWN - монета Arowana) для майнинга CPU, комиссия 0,85 %; Улучшена автоматическая настройка для алгоритмов 'yespower'; Удалена плата разработчика для алгоритма 'cryptonight_cache'; DevFee для алгоритма 'Heavyhash' снижена до 1%; Чтобы найти лучшие настройки для вашего процессора на алгоритме 'ghostrider', вы можете поиграть с: '--cpu-threads', '--cpu-threads-intensity', '--cpu-affinity')

Канал поддержки https://t.me/minerossupport

What's new?

⚙️ Added Chia mining on the rig page. So far, only hpool is available. The function is available for paid users of the service. Hard drives from any file system are supported, incl. NTFS. Instructions - https://mineros.info/en/faq/35

MiniZ v1.8y2 (UPDATE: Fixed GTX 1660 regression while mining flux; Added support for Ethash and Etchash mining. Ethereum mining, most Ethash coins, and Ethereum Classic; Improvements for Flux, on RTX 30XX; Fixed invalid shares on Flux, and ETH; Added Maxwell kernel for Beam; Fixed kernel for 1650 Ti, RTX 3060, and Quadro T1000 on Beam; Added algo and pers details to Telemetry; Options --server and --port can be used separately. (Fixing issue with NiceHash “there is no pool selected”.); Added --forcenvml, to force GPU monitoring; Intensity option was modified; When no worker name is specified, miniZ doesn’t make worker=rig’s name anymore; No need to add stratum1 to url, for ETH, on Proshashing; Improved stale shares; No need to add stratum/stratum1/stratum2 to url, for ETH, on most pools)
Gminer v2.56 (display memory temperature for AMD (if GPU support it); removed cuckatoo31/cuckatoo32 algorithms)

Support channel https://t.me/minerossupporten

What's new?

SRBMiner-Multi v0.7.6 (fixed auto-tune option for 'autolykos2' algorithm that broke in previous version; fixed hashrate regression on 'autolykos2' algorithm for Baffin, Hawaii, Tonga, Fiji cards; small improvements on 'ethash' and 'etchash' algorithms; minor bug fixes)
NBMiner v37.6 (fixed option --enable-dag-cache which caused crash on AMD GPUs when switch DAG file; fixed ergo support on AMD Vega GPUs)
Gminer v2.55 (added option --lock_cclock for lock core clock feature for Nvidia GPUs; miner now resolve domain names even with broken system DNS settings; added support SOCKS5 proxy with option --proxy host:port; Notice: miner not work on old Ubuntu 16.04 based images - use the previous version of the miner or update the image)
XMRig v6.12.2 (improved MSR compatibility with recent Linux kernels; GPU backends are now disabled in benchmark mode; fixed CL code for KawPow where it assumes everything is AMD; RandomX optimizations: enabled IMUL_RCP optimization for light mode mining; added BMI2 version for scratchpad prefetch; rewrote dataset read code)

Support channel https://t.me/minerossupporten

What's new?

⚙️ Fixed a problem with an autofan cycle restart

NBMiner v37.5 (new algo: ergo for AMD GPU, can be faster with ETH mining timings; optimize: ergo slightly improce hashrate on Nvidia GPUs; feature: use "--temperature-limit" & "--temperature-start" to protect GPU from overheat, detail in readme.md)
Kawpowminer v1.2.4 (Support Nvidia 30xx series cards)