What's new?
⚙️ Added new mineros 4.14 image (os: Ubuntu 20.04, kernel: 5.6.19, amd: opencl legacy+pal 20.10, nvidia: 450.80.02). There is no need to update drivers for nvidia GPUs series 10xx-20xx. However, for the 30xx series it is necessary to execute the nv_update NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-455.45.01.run command, since drivers for this series of video cards are different. Also included in the image are all updated files including atitool.
⛏ Gminer v2.36 (support extra nonce length up to 6 bytes for Ethash/KAWPOW algorithms, now miner will works on f2pool, miningpoolhub and other pools; added display of fan speed, core clock, memory clock, DAG size, share difficulty for Ethash/KAWPOW algorithms; display power efficienty for cuckoo cycle algorithms in milliwatts; fixed bug with stale job logic on beam and cortex - it will increase hashrate on pool side; added option to enable/disable caching of dag file, enabled by default, --cache_dag 0/1; added option to enable/disable share check on CPU for Ethash/KAWPOW algorithms, enabled by default, --share_check 0/1)
⛏ SRBMiner-Multi v0.6.0 (small performance increase on 'cryptonight_gpu', 'curvehash' algorithms; slow start (ramp up) of GPU's on miner start is now on by default; added parameter '--disable-workers-ramp-up'; removed 'tellor', 'rainforestv2' algorithms)
⛏ CPUminer-Opt by rplant v5.0.5 (fixing a critical bug with "job not found" shares. On sugarchain, the update is mandatory, on other coins it is desirable)